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Member Bio

Brian Rosenberg 

Medical Hill Healthcare Center, Neurobehavioral Un  Psychotherapy Trainee
Berkeley, CA

Contact Information

Berkeley, CA
Medical Hill Healthcare Center, Neurobehavioral Un
Psychotherapy Trainee
2241 Glen Ave
Berkeley, CA 94709

Personal Information

Additional Information

Practicum Trainee

9/20-present The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA
Second-year student in APA-accredited Psy.D. program in Clinical Psychology
Anticipated date of graduation: June 2025

9/17-6/20 California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA
B.A., Psychology
Returned in 2017 to complete degree; Originally enrolled in 1988

Clinical Experience

7/21-Present The Wright Institute Clinic (WIC), Berkeley, CA
Second-Year Practicum
Psychotherapist, Integrated Assessment Clinician, Group Therapy Co-Facilitator
Currently provide weekly individual psychotherapy for four adult patients who respectively suffer from disorders under the Neurodevelopmental, Depressive, Trauma-and-Stressor Related, and Anxiety DSM-5 classifications. Practice psychodynamic and Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy (TLDP), under supervision. Trained in and actively incorporate multicultural psychodynamic interventions. Work with a racially diverse caseload that ranges in age from 25 to 72 years old. Developed, proposed, and now recruiting for an interpersonal therapy group focused on treating depression that will begin in February 2022. Training in integrated assessment. Have thus far written three integrated assessment reports using instruments such as Short Blessed Test, MoCA, MMPI-2, MMPI-3, WAIS-IV, TSI-2, DASS-23, RISB, and MoCA. Conduct psychiatric intake interviews.
Supervisor: Gary Hennemuth, Psy.D.
Clinic Director: Deanna van Ligten, Psy.D.

9/20-8/21 Wright Institute Recovery Clinic (WIRC), Berkeley, CA
First-Year Practicum
Psychotherapist, Medi-Cal Assessment Clinician, Group Therapy Co-Facilitator
Managed a weekly caseload of four individual therapy patients. Practiced individual therapy using psychodynamic interventions, under extensive collaborative supervision. Worked with patients suffering from severe substance use disorders, major depression, psychosis, and suicidality; as well as socio-systemic issues such as recent transition into permanent housing after long-term homelessness or incarceration. Provided clinical documentation, including Medi-Cal monthly billing, BIRP notes, and Medi-Cal Long Form Mental Health Assessment/Request for Annual Renewal. Created case formulations and presented regularly to clinic case conference.
Supervisor: Lynn Westin, Ph.D.
Clinic Director: Calla Belkin, Psy.D.

11/20-07/21 Options Recovery Services, Oakland, CA
Support Group Co-Facilitator
Co-facilitated a weekly support group at Options Recovery Services via contractual affiliation with WIRC. Intervened in support group using an integrative approach that combined newly learned psychodynamic principles with previous experience and training in short-term CBT techniques. Worked with a diverse patient population affected by mental health and socio-systemic issues that include severe substance use disorders, major depression, homelessness, and transitioning to life after prison.
Supervisor: Samuel Strange, SUDCC

06/19-04/20 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline,
Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services, Los Angeles, CA
Crisis and Follow-Up Counselor
Provided extended follow-up counseling to referrals assessed as at high risk for suicide from UCLA Medical Center and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Provided phone counseling to National Suicide Prevention Lifeline callers of a diverse population, many suffering from mental health issues exacerbated by socio-systemic conditions. Employing skills developed under extensive in-house training program, actively listened to callers and allowed them to express sadness, anger, and suicidal feelings in an anchored, trusting, validating, and non-judgmental environment. Assessed suicide risk by determining desire, capability, intent, and buffers in order to select action options to decrease immediate threat of suicide. Collaboratively explored alternatives to help callers devise an action plan to help them avoid the act of suicide as a solution to psychological distress.
Enjoying life in Berkeley, CA, with my partner and dog.
The Wright Institute
Psy.D. candidate, expected graduation 2025


Alameda County Psychological Association
4200 Park Blvd., #200
Oakland, CA 94602
(510) 433-9580